1953 Pitney Bowes postmark order form postcard, 1925? oval shapped db cross, 1935 ...carried by a volunteer
1925 electrotype die proof for letterhead? 5.00
1925? oval shaped double barred cross seal .50
1925 follow up reminder postcard 5.00

1930? 8 1/2x11" gummed imperforate sheet of 5 double barred crosses in red, small faults 10.00
Package insert, buy and use Christmas seals 1.00
1935 imperf label, carried by a volunteer 1.00
1937? courtesy card of NTA 2.75
1943 Christmas seal bookplate with Roentgen, Laennec, Koch and Pasteur 2.50
1946 window label 5.00
1952 Pitney Bowes Christmas seal postmark order form postcard with seal design 2.00
1953 Pitney Bowes Christmas seal postmark order form postcard with seal design 2.00
1957 8 1/2x11" plastic window label with seal design 9.95
1958 package label with seal design 2.50
1960 package label with seal design 2.50
1961 package label with seal design 2.50
1963 11 1/2x5 plastic window label with seal design 5.95
1964 11 1/2x5 plastic window label with seal design 7.50
1968 11 1/2x5" plastic window label with seal design 5.95
1970 lets stick together, with seal design 3.50
1970 kick the habit 5.00
1971 11 1/2x5" plastic window label featuring Jack Lemon 3.50
1969-1972 2 1/2 x 5 1/2" cylinder shaped clear plastic bank with metal top and bottom,
"Give...NTRDA" with double barred cross $5.00
1971 beat Lee Trevino window label 2.00
1971 I beat Lee Trevino window label 2.00
1973? give to Christmas seals bumper sticker 5.00
1973 11 1/2x5" window label, as you live and... 4.95
1976 lungs at work, window label 2.00
1979 75th anniv pressed glass medallion 5.00
1980 pane of 9, lungs at work seals 2.00
1980 self adhesive pane of 12 d-b cross seals 2.00
coin contribution card, xmas seals save lives 1.50
Health Expo '70, Wichita Centennial ticket 1.00
Skeleton Programs or unprinted Church Bulletins with enlarged Christmas Seal Designs
Green's Catalog states that they began in 1943, with local chapters printing their own earlier, 8 1/2 x 11" with blank back and were used as Church Bulletins or menus so printing could be added, and folded. Not all varieties and types in stock are listed here.
1940 Buffalo, NY unprinted on one side, or 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 printed on both sides, each $25.00
1941-45, each $5.00
1946-54, each $3.00
1948 essay or error printed in red & blue (issued in red & green) $15.00
1948 Canadian? or perhaps issued for regional use, nice $2.50
1957-60, 1963-68, each $2.00
1969-71, 1972 front only, 1973, 1976,-77, 1978?, 1981, 1984-87, 1989-90 each $1.00