1936 set of 4 corner slogan blocks 1.00
If you collect one seal a year, regardless of type or perforation, this list will be more convenient.
1907 EF (extremely fine) 20.00
1907 VF (very fine) 15.00
1907 F (fine) 10.00
1908 EF (SE 30.00) 60.00
1908 VF-EF 50.00
1908 VF 40.00
1908 F+ 35.00
1908 poorly centered 25.00
1909 EF 2.00
1909 VF 1.00
1909 F .50
1909 AVE (average) .30
1910 AVE 7.50
1911 type 1, F, Straight Edge, Never Hinged 15.00
1911 type 1, VF, No Gum 17.50
1911 type 2, VF 75.00
1911 type 3 coil, VF 30.00

1912 EF 15.00
1912 VF 11.00
1912 F 7.50
1912 AVE 5.00
1913 EF 10.00
1913 VF 7.50
1913 F 5.00
1913 AVE 3.75
1914 EF 15.00
1914 VF 10.00
1914 F 7.50
1914 AVE 5.00
1915 EF 15.00
1915 VF 10.00
1915F 7.50
1915 AVE 5.00
1916 VF 5.00
1916 AVE 2.50
1917 AVE .35
Prices for seals from 1918 to date are for fine centering, VF add 10 cents, EF add 25 cents.
1918 F, SE (straight edge) .20
1918 F, perforated on all four sides 5.00
1919 F .25
1920 F .50
1921 F .50
1922 F .75
1923 F .15
1924-1930 each, my choice of perforation .10
*1931-1980, each, my choice of perforation .05
*prices for years that require a multiple, such as a block of 4, are listed below.
Setenant Multiples
Note that some years are setenant (different designs side by side) and require pairs, blocks and sheets. I always send out multiples, as required, because they are not expensive and it's the right way to collect; priced per year. Some of the larger multiples, like 1973 block of 12, can be expected to have a straight edge, as there is only 1 perforated on all 4 side (P4S) block in a sheet.
Pairs 1936, 1943, 1955, 1958, 1959, each .10
Blocks of four 1954, 1956,1957, 1960 thru 1965, 1969, 1974, each .20
Blocks of eight 1966, 1968, 1971, each .25
Block of twenty 1967 .40
Sheets 1970, 1975, 77-79, 1991, each 1.00
1976 sheet, perf 12 1/2 tropical dry gum $5.00
Strip of ten 1972 .25
Block of twelve 1973 .35
Sheets 1980, 1998, each 1.50
Single 1981 .15
Blocks of fourteen 1982, 1984, 1986-88, each .50
Strips 1983,1985, 1989, 1990, 1992-4, each .35
Sheet 1995 3.00
Sheet 1996 2.25
Strip 1997 .35
Half sheets (1999, 2000, 2002, 2003) .75
Strip 2001 .35
Strip 2004 .75
Strip 2005 .25
Strips 2006-2009, each .35
Strips 2010-11, each .50
Strips 2012-15, each .75
Strips 2016-17, each .40
Strip 2018 .75
Bargain Department
If you want nice seals but don't mind a straight edge (SE) or no gum (NG), they are available for half price (50% off). If damaged (tears, thins, etc.) but still presentable seals are satisfactory (returnable if not), they are available for one fourth price (75% off). Not all seals are available in every condition. Let me know, for example, if you have a preference for no gum or straight edge seals.
Collections To Fill My Albums
Offered in "Christmas Seal Albums" section, above.1907-65 single, pair or block, as required $100.50
1907-65 as above but SE or NG $50.25
1907-65 the early seals thru 1916 with small faults, later seals are SE PHOTO $29.95
1924-65 single, pair or block, as required $3.00
1966-81 single, block or sheet, as required $7.25
1982-2013 strip, block or sheet, as required $16.50
Portrait and slogan block sets 1935-40 and 1946,1938 deluxe pane, booklet panes 1918, 1930, 1931, and 1939 $14.50
US lookalike Canada, as required, singles, pairs and blocks 1927-56 $4.65
US lookalikes, as required, singles, pairs and blocks; Bermuda 1946-60, 1962, Puerto Rico 1956-59 SE except '58, Ryukyu 1952, Nicaragua 1963SE. This collection is complete for these countries except for Newfoundland 1946, Nicaragua 1964 and Bermuda 1961, which can be ordered from the "US Lookalike" section. Regular 17.95 $13.46
Modern Spanish text, 1982-94; silver and gold foil and silver ink 1985-93, all as required, regular32.00 $24.00
Perforated proofs and essays, 1917/1958, 62 seals, some are SE or NG and the regular price was figured accordingly (50% off), regular 131.55 for $98.66
1931-53 twenty-three different progressive color proof sets of 7 stages each (NG or SE $11.50) 23.00
1929-69 forty-one different imperforate pairs, blocks of 4, 8 or 20, as required, VF $14.70
1970-80 eleven different imperforate pairs, blocks or sheets, as required, VF $23.90
1981-87 eight different imperforate pairs or blocks of fourteen, as required, VF $4.50