Note that missing color errors can be confused with stages of progressive color proofs, but have either a different combination of colors or perforation than a pcp.
1907-1.1b Vertical pair imperforate horizontally (top row of perfs missing in sheet).
Discovered in 2008 by John Denune, Jr, VPIH. a single partial, top 2 rows of a sheet.

Position 9 - F, vertical bend, diagonal crease $200.00
1907-1 HPIV - Horizontal pair imperforate vertically, discovered by John Denune, Jr in 1981
Large multiples

1907-1 HPIV, horizontal pairs imperforate vertically - block of 20 never hinged $1950.00

1907-1 HPIV - horizontal pairs imperf vertically, largest known block of 72, separations, 32 error pairs and strips of 3 (2 of the strips of 3 have a damaged seal on the end, 3 rows are VF, 2 rows are ave-fine, 3 rows are average, 2 pairs hinged on front, 4 pairs hinged on back, one damaged pair, largest known multiple $4700.00

1907-1 horiz pair imperf vertically, AVE 100.00
1908-1a.1 vert pair imperf between (VPIB), EF 200.00
1908-1a.1 vert pair imperf between (VPIB), VF 150.00
1908-1a.1 VP-IB, F 112.50
1908-1a.1 VP-IB, poor centering 75.00

1908-1a1 VP-IB from uncut booklet pane sheet, AVE-EF 350.00

1909-1.2 VPIB 200.00
1915-1.1 horizontal pair imperforate between (HPIB), VF 60.00

1915-1.1 HPIB, F 40.00
1915-1.1 HPIB, AVE 30.00

18-1.12x2 1918 type 1 pane of 10, error, imperforate horizontally, position 6 $500.00
18-1.12x2 1918 type 1 pane of 10, error, imperforate horizontally, position 10 $500.00

1920-1.1 blue omitted (SE $15) 30.00

1925 HPIV 25.00

1925-1.5 red and green only (SE 2.50) 5.00
1929 VPIB, actually a gutter, not an error 10.00
1929 HPIB, actually a gutter, not an error 15.00
1929 red omitted 7.50
1930 vert pair imperf horiz, perf.12 1/2, NG, poor condition 5.00
1930 horiz pair imperf vert, perf.12 1/2, NG, poor condition 5.00
1930 "U" error VPIH a single sheet was found in 1999 in the ALA files (in reference collection), pair 15.00
1931 vert pair imperf horiz 10.00
1931-1B.5 HP-IB perf 12 1/2 (horizontal pair imperforate between, from uncut booklet sheet) 10.00
1931-1B.5x perf 12 1/2 uncut sheet of 60 (6 booklet panes). This sheet has 50 HP-IB, reinforcing on one side doesn't effect pairs, one pair with small fault $325.00
1931-1B1a HPIV 5.00

1931-1B4 red and black only (NG 1.25) 2.50
1931-2.2 green omitted 2.50

1933-1.1 green omitted, perf.12 2.00
1933-2.1 double green 5.00
1933-2.2 green omitted (NG 1.00) 2.00

1933-2.3 black omitted, perf.12 1/2, NG .50
1933-3.1 black omitted (NG & SE .75) 2.00
1934 triple print blue, imperf pair 5.00

1934 yellow & blue only, perf 12 1/2 5.00
1935-1.5 red and brown only (NG & SE 2.50) 10.00
1936-3.1 vertical pair imperf horizontally 10.00
1936-4.1 horiz pair imperf vert (HPIV) 10.00
1937-4.1 VPIB 5.00
1937-4.2 HPIV 5.00
1938-1.1 horiz pair imperf vert (HPIV) (PH) 5.00
1938-2.1 brown and red only 5.00
1938-4.1 printed on white interlining paper 5.00
1938-4.3 VPIH 7.50

1938-4.4 HPIV 3.50
1938 unlisted double brown, (straight edge 1.00) $2.00

1940 E HPIV 1.50
1940 unlisted HPIB, Straight Edge pair 10.00
1941-1.1 no footprints in snow, perf 12 1/2x12 .25
1941 "S" no footprints in the snow, perf 12 1/2 1.00
1941-2.1 perf.12 1/2 from "S" some sheet mottled paper, a faint grayish speckled pattern .75

1941 S perf 12 1/2 yellow & black only 3.50 - unlisted
1941 double date 1.50
1941 double red, SE .50
1943-2.1 black and buff inverted 10.00

1943-3.1 buff, red and blue only, NG pair 5.00
1944-1.1 yellow and gray omitted 5.00
1944-1.3 yellow & grey invert 5.00
1944-2.1 yellow & grey invert, perf 12 1/2 (SE or NG 5.00) 10.00
1944-3.1 red and blue only (SE 2.50) 5.00
1944-3 unlisted, red yellow and black only, perf 12 1/2 (SE 5.00) 10.00
1944-3 unlisted, black omitted, perf 12 1/2 5.00
1945 perf in combo with imperf, bk of 8, NG 10.00
1945 unlisted HPIV 10.00

1945-1.1 black and red only 2.50
1945-1.4 perf in combination with imperf, NG block of 8 10.00

1945-2.2 yellow and black only (SE .50) 1.00
1945-2.6 HPIV 10.00

1945-3.1 yellow, blue and black only (NG 1.50) 3.00
1945-3.2 yellow, black and red only,SE or NG 3.00
1945-3.3 yellow, blue and red only 2.00

1945-3.4 blue and black only, (NG 2.50) 5.00

1945-4.1 blue and red only (SE 5.00) 10.00

1946-1 black omitted, perf 12 1/2x12, SE 3.50
1946-2.1 black omitted, perf 12 1/2 2.50
1947-1.1 red omitted (SE 2.50) 5.00
1947-3.1 green omitted (SE 2.50) 5.00

1947-3.2 red and brown only (SE 2.50) 5.00

1947-4.1 blue and green inverted (NG or SE 2.50) 5.00

1947-4.2 green omitted 2.00
1949-1.1 perf in combo with imperf, NG block of 20 10.00

1949-1.2 red and dark blue only (light blue & green omitted), (NG 2.50) 5.00

1950 perf.12 1/2 black omitted (SE 1.50) 3.00

1950-2.1 red & green only, perf. 12 1/2 5.00

1950-5.1 black and yellow only (SE .50) 1.00

1950-5.1 black and yellow only, VPIH 3.00
1950-5.1 black and yellow only, HPIB, faulty 10.00
1950-5.4 VPIH, strip of 3 5.00
*1951 unlisted error, VPIH, with crease, perf. 12 1/2 (SE $10) 15.00

1951 unlisted error, VPIH, with crease, perf. 12 1/2 (SE $10) 15.00

1951 Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between, SE $10.00

1951-3.1 red & black only, Straight Edge 2.50

1951 unlisted red and black omitted (SE 2.50) 5.00

1952-1 E perf 12 1/2 x 12, HP-IB 3.00

1953-3.1 green and gold only (SE or NG 2.50) 5.00

1953 red and gold only, perf 12 1/2 (SE 2.50) 5.00
1955 blank p.11 sheet found with 1955 sheets, folded and stuck together, no perforated margin, trial printing? 7.50
1956 gold & black only (pair $5) SE block 15.00
1956 "E" red any yellow only, perf 12 1/2, block of 4 15.00
1956 perf 11 "D" freaky HPIB 10.00

1958-4.2 VPIH, various degrees of centering, block of 4 1.50-3.00
1958-4.2 VPIH, various degrees of centering, block of 6 2.00-4.00

1958-5.1 green and yellow omitted (red & black only), reinforced (SE pair 5.00) 10.00
1959 "W" sheet showing 3 HPIB 75.00

1960-2.1 experimental HPIB, block of 4, not an error 3.00
1960-3.3 HP-IB, block of 4 $10.00

1960-3.4 VPIH block of 4 $10.00
1960-3.5 green and red omitted, (straight edge $1) single 2.00
1962-3.1 yellow and green only, block of 4 5.00
1964-1 "E" sheet with double "E" $3.00
1967 E yellow omitted, and misperforated, 2 blocks of 10, 20 seals in all 10.00
1985 yellow omitted, strip of 7 15.00
1993 C, perf 12 1/2 x 12 1/4 missing black, strip of 5, misperforated 10.00
1995-6x4a sheet with vertical roulette omitted 10.00
Christmas seal Freaks
1915 green shifted 2mm to right, NG, AVE 5.00
1915 black offset, VF 20.00
1915 red offset, SE, VF 10.00
1915 double perforations, NG 10.00
1916 jumbo seal with extra "Happy New Year" text, very unusual $15.00
1918-1x2 (WX21d) bklt pane of 10, perf 12, 2x5, SE4S, colors out of register, brown and sizing under red shifted 1mm up, and 2.5mm to the left 25.00
1918-1x2 bklt pane, as above but brown and sizing under red shifted 2mm down, and 4mm to the left 100.00
1918-1.2x2 bklt pane, as above but brown and sizing under red shifted 3mm down and 2mm to the right 100.00
1918-1x2 bklt pane, red and green offset 10.00
1918-1.2x2 bklt pane, red and green offset 10.00
1920 olive green 5.00
1921 double row of perforations through one row of seals, NG sheet of 100 $25.00
1926 misperforated, NG .50
1927 imperforate printers waste showing missing and inverted colors, Expect a few wrinkles.
1927-1.3 block 1.50
1927-1.4 block 2.00
1927-1.6a block 2.00
1927-1.7 block 2.00
1927-1.8 block 1.50
1927-1.9 block 2.00
1927-1.13 block 5.00
1927-1.14 block 3.00
1927-1.22 block 3.00
1927-1.24 block 4.00
1927-1.27 block 5.00
1927-1.29 block 4.00
1927 light yellow green sleigh and background trees (SE .35) .50
1929 misperforated 1.25
1929 red and yel 5mm out of register (SE .75) 1.25
1931 green offset on back .50
1931 red and black offset on back .50
1931 green 10mm out of register .50
1931 wx62h booklet pane of 10 with extra row of perfs $10.00
1931 wx62g booklet pane of 10, position 1, seal 5, part of harness missing $7.50
1933 black offset on back (SE .35) .50
1933 green offset on back (SE .35) .50
1933 black and green offset on back (SE .50) 1.00
1933 green out of register, NG .50
1933 orange offset on back .35
1933 orange 10mm out of register 1.00
1933 misperforated, NG .50
1933-2 sheet of 100 with offset ink on back, 4 different sheets $100.00
1934 blue offset on back (SE .35) .75
1934 yellow out of register, NG .50
1935 blue offset on back (SE .25) .50
1935 maroon and red offset on back (SE .35) .75
1936-3.2 missing candle flame, block of 16 .75
1936 set of 6 diff printer's waste pairs 12.00
1937 colors out of register .50
1937NMp14 printer's Waste Christmas seals (black & yellow only) printed on back
of Lorraine hairnet envelope printing, slogan blocks of 9 $20.00
1937 printer's waste, Christmas seals printed in combination
with Easter seals, imperf pair 2.50
1937 blue offset on back .50
1937 black offset on back (PH) .50
1937 over inked with blue offset .50
1938 green out of register, NG .25
1938 green and black 3mm out of register, NG .50
1938 gray hair and snowstorm .50
1939-3 double eyebrow block .25
1940 red and blue 5mm out of register 1.00
1940 red and blue offset 1.00
1940 block with oil spot which prevented the green from printing 4.00
1941-1.1 no footprints in the snow .25
1941 misperforated, NG .50
1941 "U" sheet with oil spot causing areas of missing red and blue (NG 10.00) 15.00
1941 black offset on back .50
1941 black 5mm out of register, NG (PH) .50
1941 "E" sheet with constant flaw, moon on seal #45 7.50
1942 red and blue offset .50
1942 black 5mm out of register, NG .50
1942 "E" misperforated thru part of sheet 15.00
1943 red and blue 5mm out of register, NG pair .75
1944 gray and yellow 4mm out of register, NG (SE .25) .50
1945 misperforated, NG .50
1945 black and yellow 5mm out of reg (NG .25) .50
1945 as above but also misperforated (SE .35) .75
1945 freak double red makes "Greetings" difficult to read (NG .35) .75
1945 pale blue, NG (SE .25) .50
1945 "E" 1/3 of sheet misperforated, NG 10.00
1946 black offset on back .50
1946 black offset on front .75
1946 black and yellow 5mm out of reg (NG .35) .75
1947 blue and green 4mm out of reg (NG .25) .50
1947 freak double brown 1.00
1947 smeary brown shadows .50
1947 red and brown offset on back 1.00
1947 green offset on back .25
1947 misperforated (NG .25) .50
1947 blue and green 5mm out of register and mis- perforated (NG .50) 1.00
1948 rejected "E" plate without PM, unlisted sheet of 100 20.00
1948 comb perfs out of register, strip of 4, NG .50
1949 light blue and green 4mm out of register, NG (SE .35) .75
1949 misperforated, NG .50
1950 misperforated, NG .50
1950 black and flesh 5mm out of register (SE and NG .25) .75
1951 black and flesh 10mm out of register (NG $1) 1.50
1952 misperforated, NG .50
1953 misperforated, NG .50
1954 misperforated block, NG 1.50
1956 misperforated 1.00
1958 "E" sheet with constant flaw, scratch on black plate 6.00
1960 "E" miscut sheet 10x9 with wide top margin showing color guides 5.00
1967 yellow green set of 20 1.25
1967 freak double red and black, set of 20 2.50
1967 red, blue and black offset, set of 20 5.00
1968 misperforated set of 8 2.00
1969 misperforated block of 4 1.00