Ray Mosbaugh wrote the All Fund Catalog which lists US fundraising seals issued for causes other than TB & Red Cross, and is divided into sections. The Lutheran section includes some very interesting seals. The entire All Fund Catalog is available on a computer CD in pdf files for $8.95 + $2 shipping and is available from me. I distribute all of the Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society literature.

Bethesda Lutheran Home,, Watertown, WI
#60.01-.16, .18 Bethesda Lutheran Home 17 different, most printed by the American Bank Note Co. $3.95
As above but straight edge $1.95
Clara Maass Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Newark, NJ
#135.1-.31 1945-1975 Clara Maass Memorial, 31 different, with a few straight edge seals $6.00

Dakota Boys Ranch, Minot, ND
#150.01-.17 Dakota Boy's Ranch, 17 different including pairs $4.95
As above but straight edge $2.49
171, 171 - 194 different $25.00

Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Madison, WI
#180.01-.12 12 different Evangelical Lutheran Synod Charities $7.75
As above but straight edge $3.50

Lutheran Church Seals
#360.1-.23 (less .17, .20. .22) $5.95
#360.1-.23 (less .17, .20. .22) Straight Edge, $2.95
#360.5x through .28x Lutheran Church, 24 different sheets of 100, regular price $120.00, yours for $79.95

Lutheran Haven, Oveido, FL
#420.01-.27, Regular $4.90 for $3.75
#420.01-.27, Straight Edge, Regular $2.45 for $1.75
#420.01-.30 (less .7 & .8) twenty eight sheets, Regular $263.95 for $150.00
#420.01-.03 three sheets, Regular $37l50 for $25.00

Lutheran Home FInding Society, Chicago, IL
#440.01-.15, less .08, regular $5.10 for $3.50
#440.01-.15, less .08, Straight Edge, regular $3.00 for $1.80

#440.01x-.05x set of 5 booklets or sheets, regular $107.50 for $50.00
Lutheran Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
#450.2-.34 ( less .3 & .33) booklet pane is without gum, Regular $12.00 for $7.50
#450.2-.34 ( less .3 & .33) as above but Straight Edge, Regular $7.50 for $4.50

Lutheran Hour, St. Louis, MO
#482.2-.32 regular $7.95 for $4.45
#482.2-.32 Straight Edge, regular $3.95 for $2.95
#482.2-.29 (less .4, .15, .18 & .22) twenty three full sheets $115.00