HB= hard bound, PB= paperback EF= extremely fine or near mint,
VF= very fine or light wear, F= fine or used, G= good or heavy use
The Romance of the Postage Stamp, Gustav Schenk, 1962 English version, 231p, HB 5x7 3/4", VF 8.50
Nassau Street, Herst, 4th ptg, HB 5 1/2x 8 1/4",water damage 3.00
Stamps Day by Day, N. L. & M. Williams, 1950 Blandford, 237p, HB 5 3/4x8 3/4", VF 10.00
The Stamp Collector's Roundtable, Foster W. Loso, 1937 Stokes, 360p, HB 5 1/2x8 1/4", modest water damage on cover, pages F 6.00
Fun and Profit in Stamp Collecting, Herst, 3rd ptg 1967 Meredith, 168p, HB 5 3/4x8 1/4", EF 12.00
5 Best Stamp Talks of 1953, Bert Baker, approx 50p, mimeograph pamphlet 8 1/2x11", stained, G 3.00
Dressing Up your Philatelic Mail, D. C. Lapan, 1993 Dot, 20p, spiral 8 1/2x11", EF 5.00
How to Collect Stamps, Ralph A. Kimble, 2nd ptg 1932, 147p, HB 5 3/4x8 1/4", cover worn & torn, G 4.00
Lets Start a Stamp Collection, John S. Turner, 1955 Lippineott, 152p, HB 5 1/2x7 3/4, kids book, VF 4.50
Beginning Stamp Collecting, Bill Olcheski, 1976 Walck, 135p, HB 7 1/2x10 1/4", VF 9.00
An Introduction to Stamp Collecting, Steven J. Rod, 1989 Amos, 185p, PB 4x6 3/4", EF 2.00
Foundations of Philately, Winthrop S. Boggs, 1955 Van Nostrand, 196p, HB 5 3/4x8 3/4", bad water damage on cover, poor 4.00
Scotts New Handbook for Philatelists, 1965 Simon, 192p, PB 5 3/4x8 3/4", EF 5.00
Teach Yourself Books, Stamp Collecting, F. J. Melville, 1973 McKay, 207p, PB 4 1/4x7", F 2.50
Approaches to Philately, G. B. Erskine, 1950 Barnicotts212p, HB 5 3/4x8 3/4", VF 10.00
A New Approach to Stamp Collecting, Harrison & Armstrong, 1954 Hanover, 196p, HB 5 1/2x8 3/4", x-library, cover worn and torn 5.00
The White Ace Postage Stamp Identifier, 5th ed 1966 Washington Press, 48p, pamphlet 5 1/4x8", EF 3.00
The Stamp Identifier, H. E. Harris, 31p, pamphlet 5 1/2x8 1/2"EF 2.00
All Nations Stamp Finder and Dictionary, Thorson & Cohen, 32p, pamphlet 5 1/2x8 1/2", F 2.00
Identify Your Stamps, Ervin J. Felix, 1967 Whitman, 256p, HB 5 1/4x7 3/4", VF 7.00
The American Stamp Collector's Dictionary, H. M. Konwiser, autographed, 1949 Minkus, HB 6 1/4x9 1/2",bad water damage, poor 3.75
A stamp Collector's Handbook, S. Grossmanm, 7th ptg 1963, 192p, PB 5 1/2x8 1/2", VF 3.75
A Stamp Collector's Handbook, S. Grossman, 16th ptg 1978, 192p, PB 5 1/2x8 1/2", EF 3.75
A Stamp Collector's Encyclopaedia, R. J. Sutton, 2nd ed 1952 Philosophical Library, 263p, HB 5 3/4x8 1/2", F-VF 6.50
The Stamp Collector's Encyclopaedia, R. J. Sutton, rev 1966 Bonanza, 370p, HB 5 3/4x8 1/2", VF 8.50
The Stamp Collector's Encyclopaedia, R. J. Sutton, rev 1966 Philosophical Library, 370p, HB 5 3/4x8 1/2, VF 10.00
How They Carried The Mail, J. W. McSpadden, 1960 Dodd, 295p, HB 6x8 1/4", kids world history of posts, EF 8.00
The First Overland Mail, Robert E. Pinkerton, 1953 Randon House, 185p, HB 6x8 1/2", kids history of US posts, F 4.00
The First Stamp Act Crisis, Prologue to Revolution, Edmund S. & Helen M. Morgan, 1953 Univ of NC, 310p, HB 6 1/2x9 1/2", modest water damage on back cover, otherwise EF 8.00
US Postal Policy, Clyde Kelly, , 1932 Appleton, 321p, HB 5 1/2x8 1/4", VF 5.00
Neither Snow, Nor Rain..., The Story of the US Mails, 1970 Smithsonian, 99p, PB 6 3/4x8", VF 5.00
America's Stamps, Maud & Miska Petersham, 1947 MacMillan, 144p, HB 8x10 1/2", well illustrated kid's book, x-library, VG 6.00
The Stamp Collector's History of the US, Devereux, 1934 Blue Ribbon, 93p, HB 7 3/4x10 3/4, kid's book, F 6.00
The Art of Postage Stamps, Moore & Holland, 1979 Walker, 96p, PB 8 1/2x11", color illustrations, VF 7.50
Treasury of Stamps, 1200 Rare and Beautiful Stamps in Color, Lidman & landshoff, 1975 H. Abrams, 303p, HB 11 3/4x11", coffee table size book, F-VF 25.00
The World of Stamps and Stamp Collecting, Arthur Blair, 1972 Hamlyn, 128p, HB 8 1/2x11 1/2", EF 10.00
Pictorial Treasury of US Stamps, 1974 Collector's Inst, 223p, HB 8 3/4x11", color, EF 14.00
Railroad Postmarks of the US 1861-86, Towle & Meyer, 1968 US Phil Classics Soc, 379p, HB 7x10 1/2", EF 125.00
Railroad Postmarks of the Us 1861-86, Towle & Meyer, 1968 US Philatelic Classics Soc, 379p, HB 7x10 1/2", cover lightly stained 90.00
The Railroads and the Mails, 1947 Chesapeake & Ohio RR, 16p, pamphlet 5 1/2x8 1/4, F 6.00
How to Collect Paquebot Covers, Harold P. Faust, 1972 Van Dahl, 12p, card cover 6x9, VF 5.00
Ocean Mails, Philip Cockrill, 34p, pamphlet 7 1/2x10, cover damaged 15.00
Ocean Mails, Philip Cockrill, Ragatz (Janet VanDenBerg) reprint, pamphlet 7 1/2x10, VF 10.00
The Trans Atlantic Mail, Frank Staff, 1956 A. Coles, 191p, HB 7 1/2x10, bad water damage 5.00
American Colonial Postmark Catalog, Sampson, 1953, 8 1/2x11, 3 hole punch in report folder, bad water damage 5.00
The Hugh Finlay Journal, Colonial Postal History 1773-4, Frank H. Norton, 1975 reprint, US Philatelic Classic Soc., 94p+. 6 1/2x9 1/4, HB EF 15.00
The Stuart De Rapaline Wiltsee Mem. Collection of Early Western Stamps, Franks and Postmarks Catalogue, Hist. Room Wells Fargo Bank, 70p, card cover 6x9 1/4, VF 10.00
The Postmarks of SW Indiana, May 1956 Postal Hist. Bulletin #4, Evansville Stamp Club, 10p, 8 1/2x11, 3 hole punch in report cover, pages VF 10.00
US Stampless Cover Catalog 1938, Harry M. Konwiser, S. Rich, card cover 6x9, water damage, good 6.00
US Stampless Cover Catalog 1952, Konwiser, Van Dahl, card cover 6x9, VF 10.00
US Stampless Cover Catalog 1965, Konwiser, Van Dahl, card cover 6x9, VF 10.00
US Stampless Cover Catalog 1965, as above but water damage 3.75
Silver Anniversary Booklet, 1948-73, US Phil. Classics Soc., 64p, HB 7x10, VF 10.00
NY Foreign Mail Cancellations 1871-6, Edwin Milliken, 1933 APS, pamphlet, aF 6.00
The NY Foreign Mail Cancellations 1870-6, Milliken, handbook #4, 31p, pamphlet, aG (about good) 3.00
American Illustrated Cover Catalogue, John R. Biddle Collection, Phillips Auction Catalogue Jan. 28-9, 1982, 259p, HB 8 3/4x11 1/4, beautiful color illustrations, mint 50.00
Machine Cancel Forum, No. 167-170, 1994 Machine Cancel Soc., pgs. 1179-1398, spiral bound 8 1/2x11, EF 10.00
Philometer Compendium, Whitebourgh, 1st ed. 1957, HB 6 1/4x9 1/4, cover stained, G 6.00
A Type Chart of US Postage Meters, Steiger & Pamperion, 3rd ed. 1945 Rich, 24p, pamphlet, VG 8.00
Scott Catalogues, lot of 30; worldwide, 1901-5, 1907, 1911-12, 1914-17, 1919-20, 1922-32; specialized 1927, 1930, 1932-4; book covers are G-VF,pages F-VF, actual postage will be added to this lot 200.00
More Scott Catalogues, lot of 12; 1901, 1916, 1920, 1922, 1925, 1930, 1932, 1936, 1941-2, plus extra 1925 and 1932; covers poor to very good, pages F-VF, actual postage will be added to this lot 75.00
The Penny Black, Philately's #1, Kreicker & Burrell, 1940 Stamp Specialist, 24p, pamphlet, written on, VG 5.00
The Gutter Pair Price Guide, C. Heilman & V. Mathias, 1979 Quality Topical, 37p, pamphlet 5 1/4x8 1/2, mint 5.00
Vatican Stamps, Ernest A. Kehr, 1956 Washington Press, 48p, pamphlet 5 1/4x8, EF 2.50
Animals on Stamps, H. Strom & L. H. Lewy, 381p, card cover (toned and written on) 5x8, F 4.00
Collect Topicals and Have Fun, Ernest A. Kehr, 1955 ATA, 38p, pamphlet 5 1/2x8, F-VF 4.00
Brief Biographies of Protestant Personalities on Postage Stamps, Rev. E. J. A. Marxhausen & Lee Kleinhans, 1965 Protestant Philately, COROS Handbook #4, 44p, pamphlet 6x9, F 4.00
Catalog of US Souvenir Cards, Burns & Burns, Washington Press, 98p, card cover, VF 4.00
Official Catalogue, Int. Philatelic Exhib. 1936, NY, 247p, magazine like 6 3/4x9 3/4, cover a little dirty with minor faults, still F 15.00
Postage Stamp Souvenirs of FIPEX 1956, Linns, folder issued to hold show souvenirs 8 1/4x10 1/2, lightly toned, F 3.00
Prospectus, Olympia, Philympia 1970, London, 56p, card cover 7x9 1/2, F; plus Magazine One, Philympia 1970, 60p, as last, set of 2 8.00
Spain 1975, pamphlet plus books 1, 2, 4, and 5, aprox 60p each, card cover 6 1/2x8 1/4, F-VF 12.00
A Description of US Postage Stamps, 1927 PO Dept., 51p, HB 5 3/4x9, VG 7.50
A Description of US Postage Stamps, 1936 PO Dept., 119p, HB 6x9 1/4, VG 4.00
A Description of US Postage Stamps, 1936 PO Dept., 119p, card cover 6x9, EF 7.00
United States Postage Stamps, 1970 USPS, 241p+, 8x10 in 3 ring binder, F-VF 6.00
US Stamps and Stories, 1st ed. 1972 USPS, 224 pages, card cover 4 1/4x7, VF-EF 7.00
Mellone's 1st Cachets, FDC Pub., 2nd ed. 1983 (96p) card cover 6x9 6.00
Planty's Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted FDC, Vol 1-9, three hole punch in folders, Scott #551 (1923) thru #855 (1939), 1st ed. 1977-83, aprox 1 1/2" thick, 8 1/2x11, VF 80.00
The Stamp Specialist, H. L. Lindquist, 1942/1944, 5 volumes HB, 7x10, VF 75.00
National Philatelic Museum, short set of 16 (of 36) 1950's magazine like journals, Philadelphia, 6x9, VG-VF 99.00
American Journal of Philately, 2nd series, vol. 2, 1889, Scott Stamp & Coin, a bound volume which appears fine, but binding is broken, 505p+, HB 6 1/2x9 1/2, F 99.00
The Philatelic Magazine, LaGrange, IL, Publisher F. W. Bishop, 1886, 2 issues, 16p + 18p, 5 1/4x7 3/4, VF 10.00
The Stamp, Denver, CO., 1887/1888, 2 issues, 20p + 24p, 5 3/4x9 F 10.00
The Philatelic Herald, Freeport, ME., Oct. 1888, 16p, 5 3/4x8 3/4, F 7.50
Hubbard's Magazine, Lake Village, NH., March 1890, 22p, 6x9 1/2, F 5.00
The Quaker City Philatelist, Western Philatelic Union & PA Stamp Collectors' League, Jan. 1892, 12p, 6 1/2x9 1/2, VF 5.00
The Collector, New Chester, PA., Editor R. M. Miller, March 1892, 16p, 6x8 1/2, VF 5.00
The Post Office, NY., Nov. 1892, 18p, cover missing, 6 1/4x9 1/2, F 5.00
The Philatelic Journal of America, St. Louis, MO., Mekeel Stamp & Pub., May 1895, 46p, 8x11, Included is an article APS (4 years old) Official Circular, F 12.50
The Brooklyn Philatelist, NY., April 1896, 10p folded leaflet, 4 1/4x6 1/2, VF 5.00
The Philatelic Gazette, J. M. Bartels Co., Nassau St., NY., 1913/15, 6 issues, 20-29p each, 6x9, VF 30.00
The Stamp Journal, Florida, NY., Clarence P. DeKay, 1913/15, 3 issues, aprox. 36p each, 6x9, F 15.00
Notes Upon US and Confederate States Stamps and their Varieties, Geo. L. Toppan, 1906 Scott, 25p, pamphlet 6x9, VG 10.00
Muster Roll of the CSA, 1972 directory, 44 page pamphlet, 6x9, VF 5.00
US Commemorative Stamps of the 20th Century, Max G. Johl, 1947, 2 vol. 356p + 382p, HB 7 1/4x10 1/4, F-VF 120.00
US Commemorative Stamps of the 20th Century, Max G. Johl, 1947, 2 vol. 356p + 382p, HB 7 1/4x10 1/4, bad water damage 25.00
The 3 Cent Stamp of the US 1851-57, Carroll Chase, 1909 APS, 72p, card cover, 4 1/2 x 6 3/4, G 12.50
The US 10 Cent Stamps of 1855-59, Mortimer L. Neinken, 1960 Collector's Club, 252p, HB 7 1/4 x 10 1/2, VF 35.00
US Postage Stamps, 1945-52, Sol Glass, 1954, BIA, 28p, HB 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, VF 32.00
Postage Stamps of the 20th Century, Johl & King, Volume 1 revised signed, Volume 2, Volume 3 & Volume 4, 1932-38 H L Lindquist, 4 Volume set, HB 7 x 10 1/4, volume 1 has minor water damage on back cover, otherwise F-VF 300.00
The 3 Cent Green 1870-87, H L Wiley, Mekeel Severen Wylie Co., handbook #9, 20 page pamphlet, F 7.50
A Forerunner of the 47's, The NY Postmaster Stamp of 1845, James Brush Hatcher, NY Journal American, pamphlet distributed at 1947 Centenary Int Philatelic Exhib, VF 5.00
US Commemorative Stamp Facts, Capt A C Townsend, 1935 Linprint, 104p, card cover 4 3/4 x 7, F 6.50
The 1851-60 Issue US Stamps, Frank E Goodwin, 1913 Linn's Philatelic Handbook #3, 78 page pamphlet, cover damages, pages VF 6.50
Thorp Bartels Catalogue of US Stamped Envelopes, Century ed. 1954, 597p, water damaged cover with pages somewhat effected, but not too bad, HB 6 1/4x9 1/4, G 55.00
Bartels Catalog of US Stamped Envelopes, 5th ed. 1943, 2 vol. set, 324p + 96p HB, bad water damage 40.00
Canada Postal Stationary, Bond, 1st ed. 1953 Herst, 132p, HB 6 1/4x9, F-VF 7.50
Envelopes of the US, Cut Square and Entire, 5th ed. 1936, J. M. Bartles Co., 38p pamphlet, F-VF 7.50
Boston Revenue Book, Xerox reprint, comb bound, 8 1/2x11, VF 14.50
US Revenue Stamps, Chris West, 1918 Severn Wylie Jewett Co., 52p pamphlet 6x9, water damage, cover coming off, G 10.00
Federal Duck Stamps, 1947 US Dept. of Interior, 14p, pamphlet 7 1/2x9 3/4, VF 8.00
Bulletin of Fiscal Philatelic Society, vol. 1-11, 1908-28, CSC reprint, HB 5 1/2x8 1/2, VF 27.50
The Yucatan Affair, The Work of Raoul Ch. de thuin, APS 2nd ptg. 1980, 523p, HB 7x10 1/4 25.00
The New US (a non philatelic book), Lowell Ragatz, signed, 1960 Tokyo, HB, cover slightly warped, VG-F 5.00
A Catalog of All Fund Stamps of the US, Dick Green, 1930 ed., with 1932 suppliment, forerunner of Green's Catalog, and All Fund Catalog, 8 1/2 x 11, VG $100.00
A Catalog of The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1936 ed., part 3 US Local, p.105-124, F 10.00
A Catalog of The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green,1938 part 1 (US National Christmas Seals) 25.00
A Catalog of The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1938 Western Stamp Collector, part 3 US Local TB 7.50
A Catalog of The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1938 Western Stamp Collector, part 1 Foreign, 67p, unbound 5 1/2x 8 1/2 3 hole punch, F 25.00
The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1946 ed., 338p, 3 hole punch, pages 5 1/2x8 1/2, F 25.00
The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1953 suppliment, 3 hole punch pages 5 1/2x8 1/2, F 5.00
The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1959 ed. + paste in updates, US Nat. & Local only, 8 1/2x11, 3 hole punch pages, F 20.00
The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1960 ed. with 1963 suppliment, 8 1/2x11, 3 hole punch, F 20.00
The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1963 supplimemt, 8 1/2x11, 3 hole punch, F 5.00
The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals of the World, Dick Green, 1966 ed. with 1971 suppliment, 8 1/2x11, 3 hole punch, VF 20.00
US All Fund Seal Catalog Forerunner (precedes Mosbaugh's), 1953 Calvin Collander, 8 1/2x11 20.00
US All Fund Seal Catalog, Ray Mosbaugh, listing US fundraising seals other than anti-tuberculosis funds, 1962 ed. 8 1/2x11, F 50.00
US All Fund Seal Catalog, Ray Mosbaugh, listing US fundraising seals other than anti-tuberculosis funds, Xerox reprint of 1st ed. 1964 CS&CSS, 375p, some listings have been dropped from the new All Fund Catalog, unbound 8 1/2x11, VF 20.00
Seal News, the Journal of The Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Soc., from vol. 1 # 1 (1947) thru 1990, 3400p, Reprint, unbound 8 1/2x11, VF, should be available by mid year. 100.00
Hartvigsen Illustrated Catalog of Scandinavian Charity Seals, 1885-1919, reprint with English translation (also available in original Danish), hundreds of illustrations were added, stapled 8 1/2x11, EF 4.00
1934 Esparanto Seal Catalog, reprint, 36p pamphlet, EF 2.00
The Christmas Seals That Could Have Been, Some Unpublished Essays, John Denune, artists sketches of proposed Christmas seal designs beginning in 1917, 100p, stapled 8 1/2x11, EF 15.00
The Precancel Town List, Manley L. Behrens, 1949 Hoover Bros., 79p, 5 1/2x8 3/4, F 4.00
New McMath's Precancel Town List, 1971, in ring binder 6 1/2x9, pages VF 12.00
Official Ohio Town and Type List, Mynchenberg, 1952 COPC, 5 1/2x8 1/2, in ring binder, VF 12.00
Precancel Primmer, Barbara R. Mueller, 1961 Dietzer, 46p, pamphlet 5 1/2x8 1/2, F-VF 5.00